Root Canal treatment in Greenville, SC

Root Canal treatment in Greenville, SC

Your teeth have pulp chambers inside them, right in the center. The pulp is composed of blood vessels, nerves, and living tissues. Cavities, cracks, and gum diseases often provide oral pathogens access into the pulp chamber. These pathogens infect the pulp and make it inflamed and irritated. A damaged or infected pulp chamber harbors bacteria and promotes its growth.

Multiplying bacteria along with the decayed debris create abscess filled pockets in the roots. Inflamed and infected roots filled with abscess can create:

  • Swelling of gums that spreads to the face, neck, or head. 
  • Bone recession near the roots. This, in turn, affects the entire facial contour. 
  • Cyst or Abscesses in your jaws
  • Serious infections that turn fatal.

Removal of the diseased or dead pulp is known as a root canal treatment. In this endodontic treatment, the pulp chamber is disinfected and filled with an inert filling. It is a restorative technique that helps you keep the natural teeth and prevents them from getting extracted. 

You may require a root canal treatment if you experience:

  • A sharp intermittent toothache.
  • Throbbing in the tooth
  • Shooting pain, pain going up into the ear or the side of the head
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold and tenderness in the surrounding region. 
  • Swelling of gums, face, and neck.
  • Constant drainage (pus) from the tooth.
  • Heavy discoloration

What is the Procedure to get a root canal treatment?

Dr. Daniel Nickles performs the root canal procedure and follows the given flow:

Anesthesia Injection

Dr. Daniel Nickles will use radiography to look at the shape and state of your root canals. He will also assess the surrounding tissues and bones for infections. If he deeems that a root canal is needed, he will begin the treatment by numbing your tooth and the surrounding region. Local anesthesia keeps you away from any kind of pain or discomfort.

Rubber Dam Placement

A shield made of rubber is used to isolate your tooth from the rest of the mouth. This rubber dam helps create a sterile atmosphere for the treatment and keeps the bacteria carrying saliva away from the tooth. It will also prevent you from swallowing any kind of chemicals being used. 


Dr. Daniel Nickles will access the pulp chamber. The diseased or infected pulp will be removed using canal files. The roots are then disinfected and thoroughly cleaned using water and disinfecting solutions. This helps in killing bacteria and removing the debris. 


The canals are enlarged and reshaped to receive the filling material. The interior of the canals is sealed with an inert substance like gutta-percha. The exterior hole is filled with a temporary filling. 

Final Restoration

If your tooth has an immensely large filling or cavity, you will have lost a lot of tooth structure. In such a case, Dr. Daniel Nickles will restore your tooth using a crown. The crown will provide your tooth strength, resilience, and an aesthetic appeal.

Root Canal Treatment: Aftercare

After the root canal treatment, you might suffer from minor tissue inflammation, pain, and swelling. These are common after-effects and can be managed using the following aftercare tips

  • Avoid chewing on hard foods for a few days to stop exercising pressure on your freshly placed restoration. This will prevent it from dislodging.
  • Take all medictons as prescribed. 
  • Maintain good oral hygiene to prevent the other teeth from getting cavities and thus avoiding a future RCT. 
  • Wait for the anesthesia to wear off before consuming any hot foods or drinks or you might end up burning your mouth.

For further inqueries, visit or book an appointment with us at (864) 244-3211.


1330 N Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville, SC 29607

Phone: (864) 244-3211


  • MON - THU: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • FRI - SUN: Closed
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